Fathym Brand Identity

Kim Loomis
2 min readMar 31, 2023


February 10, 2022 by Kim Loomis, Product Owner @ Fathym

In this article, we discuss how Fathym is making critical moves to ensure it has one very recognizable name and brand in the marketplace.

“Your brand is your public identity, what you’re trusted for. And for your brand to endure it has to be tested, redefined, managed and expanded as markets evolve. Brands either learn or disappear.”

Lisa Gansky, American entrepreneur, author, co-founder & CEO of Global Network Navigator and Ofoto

No Identity Crisis Here!

Fathym has made a large-scale move to bring its products under a consolidated “Fathym” umbrella. LowCodeUnit, its flagship product for delivering modern web applications and sites, will be known simply as Fathym going forward and found at the completely revamped https://www.fathym.com/.

Future moves will be made to bring Fathym’s other products further into that umbrella.

  • IoT Ensemble helps you to connect devices, understand data and scale IoT applications.
  • Habistack provides a robust surface weather forecasting API.
  • pROADject is a consumer road condition application built off of Habistack.

Fathym has seen tremendous growth in the first 6 weeks of 2022. User adoption has already equaled all of 2021 and is easily on track to double numerous times in 2022. Growth is directly attributed to the company’s quick responsiveness to user feedback. Users have provided critical input on what is necessary to deliver today’s technology. Fathym has taken that feedback and streamlined its developer experience, playing a crucial role in removing the complex tasks that previously only a handful of savvy senior engineers could tackle. Fathym helps people of varying skill sets rapidly build and deploy cloud-native applications.

The move of its products under the Fathym name ensures Fathym is not scattering its audience. Goodwill and popularity of one product can easily spill over to the others. It removes any confusion if the individual product names are related or different. This move really gives Fathym a single identity, for its domain, social media accounts, professional dealings and other purposes. This gives Fathym consistency and ensures that Fathym is getting recognized with one name over all platforms.



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